Sunshine: My Positive Attitude

If I am a sunflower and I follow the sunshine, then that explains my positive attitude. You’ve heard the saying ‘every cloud has a silver lining’? What about ‘the sun will come out tomorrow’? Or ‘there’s light at the end of the tunnel’? What do all of these have in common? They are sickeningly sunny, positively positive. Ew. Gross.

But, in all seriousness, I think that my positive attitude is one of my biggest strengths. My ability to recognize that negative elements of my life will not last forever is a part of my character that has enabled me to work through difficult situations. When I recognize that I am in a slump, I seek out opportunities to better myself and try to learn and grow. I push myself to strive for more, because I know that I can do better. I have to take responsibility for my own life.

I have a motto: “Don’t complain about it, change it.”

If I am complaining about my job, for example, then I should also be seeking another. I should be developing my resume/CV, networking, updating my LinkedIn profile, doing research, going to the job centre, signing up for job databases online, reconnecting with old contacts, looking at volunteer opportunities, and taking all manner of steps—no matter how small—to improve my situation.

Choosing to start this blog, to build up an online presence and create an easily-located portfolio of my personal writing, is a step towards a future where I hope to someday be a self-employed writer and teacher of English-as-a-second-language.

I started a free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Coursera called “Metaliteracy: Empowering Yourself in a Connected World”. You can view the course information if you are interested. I can earn a certification of completion if I finish the course with 70%, but I want a certification of accomplishment for 90%. Why aim low?

After one week of lecture videos, reading and making notes on articles, writing and submitting an online response, and peer-reviewing two anonymous responses, I am remembering the challenges of being enrolled in formal education! It can be time-consuming, tedious, and tiring.

But I am really enjoying studying again, and the course material is very interesting. This course will help me learn about digital citizenship and help me to prepare of a more digital future lifestyle. When I am frustrated by the tediousness of formalized education, I remind myself that I am looking forward to the results. And not only the results, but also the growth and learning I will accomplish on the way there. An opportunity to learn for free should never be taken for granted. I want to use this, and any future MOOCs, for all I can learn.

This course journey is like a sunflower following the sun: I will enjoy all its benefits as well as the shadows, and in the end, I can rest and enjoy another sunny day. Hooray for positivity, for second chances, and for free educational opportunities. A positive attitude makes ANYTHING Possible!

9 thoughts on “Sunshine: My Positive Attitude

    • Thank you so much, Sarah, I’m happy to hear that I made you smile and I hope you have a great day today! 🙂 I’m still new to blogging so I am still trying to figure out the design/colour scheme. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Pingback: Silliness: Reclaiming ‘Silly’ | Sunflower Symposium

  2. Pingback: Sunshine: Staying Positive when Sick | Sunflower Symposium

  3. Pingback: Scribbling: Why write? Why paint? Why create? | Sunflower Symposium

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