Meet the Sunflower

100_8817 - Copy - CopyMy name is Helen “Sunflowers” Slee and, as you can guess from my blog, I am a sunflower lover. I think it is brilliant that they actually turn their faces to follow the sun throughout the day in order to get the optimal amount of sunlight. I am a sunny personality who cannot stop smiling and turning towards positives in my life, just like a sunflower.

Where does the symposium come from? I, like most people in this world, have an endless stream of thoughts, feelings, and opinions, sometimes seemingly senseless, that are just squirming around in my head, seeking to escape and meet the world. Sometimes sans filter. If I could speak and write as much as I want, I’d be an endless symposium.

On this blog you will find sunshine, somewhere, silliness, strength, scribbling, school, and social justice, the seven significant factors that define my life.

I am using this blog as an opportunity to re-awaken my love of writing, which fell by the wayside when university happened. This is a lifestyle blog, but I’ll primarily be writing about teaching English, travel, writing, social networking, art, education, self-awareness and social justice. I am a feminist: forever against inequity perpetuated by good ol’ hegemonic patriarchy.

I am 24 years old and British-Canadian. Born and raised in Ontario, Canada by parents from England, I am fortunate to experience the best of both Canada and Britain. I am an avid traveller and a big fan of educating and challenging myself.

I am passionate about equity, creativity, and education. I love teaching, learning, and growth and I think that human rights should be accessible for all, regardless of class, gender, race, ability, sexuality, age, and any other difference you can imagine. I believe that everyone has the right to live, eat, sleep, and learn in a safe environment regardless of their social position. I think that education and travel enables open-mindedness and respect for all. I think we still have a long way to go before equity comes into practice in western society and I am willing to fight to make that happen sooner rather than later.

I, like most people in this world, am far too complex of a personality to explain in one “Meet Helen” page, so I hope you will bear with me and watch for updates. They will definitely come. This blog will be like my personality, overflowing with stuff.

Thanks for joining me and stay tuned. I’ll be writing once a week about one of my Sunflower topics:

  • Sunshine: positivity, productivity, and happiness in life
  • Somewhere: travelling, life as a duel citizen, and travel photography
  • Silliness: geekiness, the internet, and fun things that make the world go ‘round
  • Strength: independence, self-awareness, lifestyle choices, and self-employment
  • Scribbling: showcasing the things that I create: writing and art/DIY
  • School: English-as-a-second-language, educational institutions, and how they could be better
  • Social Justice: this world is a problematic inequitable place and I try to make sense of it

You can find more of me on Facebook, TwitterPinterest, Youtube, Bloglovin, LinkedIn, and 8tracks.

For inquiries including, but not restricted to:

  • collaborating on youtube
  • opinion reviews of travel locations
  • co-writing a blog post or online article
  • transcription (60wpm)/topical writing requests
  • interest in photography/modelling/performance
  • questions about ESL or requesting online tutelage

You can send me an email at sunflowersymposium (at) gmail (dot) com or tweet @HelenSunflower on twitter.

Thanks for dropping by, and I hope you have a good day!

Helen Slee

One thought on “Meet the Sunflower

  1. Pingback: The Versatile Blogger Award | Sunflower Symposium

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